Wednesday, January 5, 2011

B – R – E – A – T – H – E !

As I’ve begun to more thoroughly organize all the health and well-being wisdom, I’ve collected over the years. I think one of the most helpful thing one can do for themselves (and for each other) is to breathe well. Sounds simple enough, right? But, I bet if you could see yourself breathing throughout the day, you’d be amazed at how often you hold your breath or at what a low percentage of your available oxygen consumption you actually use. Breath is the stuff of life! It powers our cells, it clears our minds, it calms our nervous system and it is a bridge between spirit and matter.

The following excerpt is how I begin most of my yoga classes. It takes just a few minutes to more fully find your center where you are more integrated and harmonious. If you are so inclined, give it a whirl. If you are an “over-achiever” maybe try it out a few times a day and enjoy the bliss. 

“Just take a nice slow deep inhale and a full complete exhale. Take a moment to adjust your body so that you are relaxed in your hips and you can allow your spine to lengthen up. You might gently close your eyelids to encourage a few moments of relaxation. For the next few minutes just bring your awareness to your breath. You don’t have to breathe any certain way and please don’t judge your breath. You might notice if your breath is shallow or long. You might also notice subtle differences between your inhalation and exhalation but nothing should be judged as right or wrong. You are just increasing your self awareness without any criticism or judgment.”

Usually just taking a few moments to pay attention to your breath will help your breath become more regulated which means a clearer, more peaceful and more vibrant state of being your you.


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