In short musculo-skeletal balance is the relationship between the opposing muscle groups that work on each joint and the synergy between the major joint structures of the body. Ideally we want a dynamic balance between the agonist muscles, which contract to move a bone, and the opposing antagonist muscles, that stretch to allow movement. When these muscle groups are out of balance our posture begins to shift away from optimal alignment and can set us up for less than ideal body mechanics, discomfort, and injury.
Although there is an optimal blueprint to which all humans are designed, our individual musculo-skeletal balance is affected by many elements, including but not limited to: genetics, movement and behavior patterns, past illnesses, and injuries. Even our mood and thought patterns can shape our musculo-skeletal balance. To keep our bodies balanced and aligned well, it’s important that each muscle group has an ability to contract and to relax fully. It is possible for muscles to become over-contracted or over-stretched. When the opposing muscle groups are not balanced around a joint, that joint will slide out of optimal alignment and will affect the synergy of the body/mind.
Perhaps the element that has allowed humans to flourish most, is our ability to adapt. Because of this characteristic, many misalignments go unnoticed until wear and tear begins. However, we also have an amazing ability to heal. Once we get closer to ideal alignment and balance, circulation and synergy improves so that the body begins to function more harmoniously again. Because it’s hard to detect muscle imbalances internally and because it is difficult to change patterns, it does take some effort and strategy to get the body closer to it’s optimal alignment. Taking time to assess posture and body mechanics offers us insight into what specific types of exercise will benefit us as individuals. Once you know where your imbalances are, you can then begin to make small changes in your posture and in your movement and behavior patterns. You can then consciously select the exercises that will most support your body and the everyday actions of your lifestyle.
I'm gearing up to teach my workshop "A Body in Balance is a Body Built to Last" at Shine Yoga Center. I also incorporate musculo-skeletal rebalancing into my everyday Yoga Classes and offer private sessions. In a private session you receive posture and movement assessments to find your imbalances and then receive a set of quick and easy exercises that will help you feel your best. Small imbalances accumulate over time and may set you up for an achey body down the road. Just a little work to keep yourself in balance has tremendous pay-back.
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